

Since the start of our Church, constantly there are Christians from different places coming to join us to worship God.  Many of them have decided to stay with us to serve the Lord together.  These members in the Lord, along with our growing new generations, are searching for the direction of serving the Lord in the Church.  At the same time, in a heavily self-centered generation, the tide of the world is pushing many churches to follow the man-pleasing paths, and reject the God-pleasing narrow way.  Therefore, for the need of our members, and for the safeguard of our Church, we feel the obligation, by God’s grace, to declare to everyone regarding our goal, our commission and our direction of pursuit.


This booklet is a collection of five articles previously published in our church magazines, supplemented with three new articles.  It is a presentation to our church members on topics concerning the principles on which our church first started, our faith, our organization and structure, our mission and direction.  We hope that these articles will help our members to establish a firm understanding of the service and pursuit of God in our Church, and to have a basic knowledge of our organization and administration.  Through such understanding and knowledge, we will be joined together like living stones, and be built to become God’s dwelling place.


It is our expectation that brothers and sisters will read through these messages sober-mindedly and with a solemn attitude.  We should apply Biblical teachings to discern the contents, and let the Holy Spirit guide us to extract their implications, so that these messages may truly help us to establish our attitude towards service, and to ascertain our direction of pursuit, to the effect that the pattern of our Church, our manner in service, and our direction of pursuit will all converge into His will.



The Executive Committee (Note 1)

Gospel Church in Christ


August 1999                


Note 1:           As from 2003, our church had established the Board of Deacons to replace the executive committee.