古代的書卷 |
Book of Ancient Scrolls |
猶太人的帽 |
Kippah - Hat for Jews |
希伯來語會話 |
Hebrew for Everyone - workbook and tape |
金燈臺 - 七分枝大燭台 |
Menorah, a sacred lampstand |
耶穌時期的部分圍牆 |
Part of the Wall in Jesus Time
The Pontius Pilatus Inscription , Roman Period 6-324 C.E. (copy, cast from original)
猶太拉比祈禱用的披巾 |
Prayer Shawl - used by Rabbinate of Rabbi |
七種植物 |
Seven Spices
小麥 Wheat
棕櫚 Palm
無花果 Figs
橄欖 Olive
葡萄 Vines
大麥 Barley (missing)